Duda: Tasty Kabanosy sausages made from excellent quality meat
We are pleased to announce that our product range has been enriched with the unique and high quality Duda products from the leading Polish meat…
SUN LOLLY ice: A cool treat for the whole family
We are very pleased to announce that our product range has been enriched even more with SUN LOLLY ice from the Danish group CO-RO, which…
The IRN-BRU phenomenon now in Cyprus!
It is tasty…intense…with a unique bright orange colour! The refreshment that has blown everyone away with its unique and authentic taste, has arrived in Cyprus…
A.G. Barr: Products of unique taste and quality
We are very pleased to announce that our product range has been enriched with the products of the leading company AG Barr plc and specifically…
Protein bars: For extra strength and energy!
One of the most popular snacks, in recent years, that have been loved by both women and men alike are protein products and specifically protein…
BENLIAN RICE CAKES SLIM: The slimmest version of enjoyment!
They are crispy, delicious, very thin, square-shaped and very low in calories, and are the ideal choice for all of you who are watching your…
Banana: Reap its benefits by enjoying a Corny Big Banana!
One of the most beloved fruits, all over the world, undoubtedly is the banana, since apart from being delicious, it is also extremely nutritious. Many…
Calypso Lemonades: Let yourself indulge in their delicious exotic taste!
When Odysseus met Calypso, it is rumored that he stayed with her for 7 whole years, forgetting his Ithaca! The famous nymph of the Western…
Calypso Lemonades: Every sip and enjoyment!
They are uniquely invigorating…refreshing and mentally travel us to exotic islands! We are talking about the world-famous Calypso Lemonades, which arrived in Cyprus to take…
Calypso Lemonades – “Taste of the islands”
We are particularly proud of the new addition to our product range, the world famous Calypso lemonades! Calypso lemonades are a product of the American…