The company was founded in Italy in 1880 by Bulgari family, whose members still carry on the long tradition in the confectionery sector. It was originally founded as a handicraft company, over the years it has increased in order to create a flexible system to meet the market needs all over the world.

Bulgari Agostino s.r.l. has achieved a high level of quality after many years of experience in the confectionery sector, without forgetting the care and the handicraft attention in the production.

Such a quality is determined by selected raw materials and workmanship. A scrupulous and constant attention has brought to the achievement of very important objectives such as the quality certifications IFS, BRC and ISO 9001:2008.

With centuries-old experience handed down from generation to generation and professionalism, Bulgari Agostino s.r.l. creates a rich variety of sweets always appreciated in Italy and worldwide.

Today the company can count on an important production capacity and on very modern technologies, in a plant of 14.000 mĀ².

BULGARI AGOSTINO SRL is synonymous of quality and innovation.

Londou Trading became the exclusive distributor of Bulgari in 2009 and since then imports and distributesĀ  Bulgari products with great success in the Cyprus Retail and Horeca Market.


Bulgari Mallows 1 Kg
Bulgari Mallows 150g

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